Wednesday, September 25, 2013

double the fun!

I'm the type of person that when I find something I like, I usually buy two of them. So, I was in The Loft the other day and saw the cutest clutch ever on sale and just had to scoop it up. It was on sale for $11.99.

And of course... I couldn't get just one.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Grab A Friend Blog Hop

Grab a Friend

Welcome to the weekly blog hop , Grab A Friend 
Link up here , answer a question , grab a blogger and be friends!

Every week this hop is created with lots of love + fun . So be sure to share it to more and more people ca catch up and our lovely little hop can be large with more friends ;)

Want to co-host? Shoot me en Email or check Sponsor .
               Blog  | Twitter  | GFC | BlogLovin                                Blog | Twitter | GFC | Bloglovin

Now the co-host

Julia from Puella Aeterna
My Photo

Ileana from Oh sweet reverie

Shana from According to SD
 // Blog //

When you go to follow your hosts , leave the answer to make their day + a bloggy present .  We all would love to share love back { will follow you back} .
This hop is for finding new friends & bloggy mates . So be sure to go and find yourself one .
I am so happy cheery to see you all linking up with us every Tuesday . Yip-yip , you're rah-king.
Twitter is a new addition in hop , so if you want some Twitter-holic bloggy mates so link up , hop around & grab some tweeeeeeeeter sweeties .

Q : What's your general pet peeve?

Noor :
My biggest pet peeve is traffic. All the smoke and noises just freak me out. If I could do one thing, I would get out of my car and shout for clearance!

Areeba : 
Pet peeve? It's staring! No matter who is staring me, this thing is annoying. Why you stare? I mean if a bird has pooped on me head tell me to wash this but DO NOT stare. It's kind of horror for me!

Your turn to answer!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Outgrowing Relationships

Thought shoes and clothes were the only things you could outgrow? Guess again! You can outgrow people too. Here are some signs that will help you realize that you may be outgrowing someone.

1. You no longer find their stories interesting. Gone are the days when you would cling to every detail. 
2. Talking to them becomes a chore. 
3. You realize that the person is more into themselves than anything else. You can hardly get a word in. 
4. You no longer race to the phone when they call.
5. You find yourself nodding off or rolling your eyes midway through a conversation.
So, the point of this post is....

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I have decided...

Yesterday, as I sat in quiet reflection I made some decisions. 

I have decided that....

1. I won't let anyone's negativity affect my state of mind. Even if it means cutting some people out of my life, I no longer wish to have another human being unfavorably alter my mood and disposition. 

2. I will live my truth. That means being myself. Even if it makes me seem unpopular. There is only room for one personality in my life, MINE.

3. I will walk in my purpose.

4. I will surround myself with positive, like-minded people.


Friday, September 6, 2013

What should I get hubby for his birthday?

My hubby's birthday is just a few short days away and I need your help deciding what to get him. Here's what i've been toying with in my mind...

1. He's really into watches. I saw this Thomas Sabo watch and figured he'd love it.
2. Can't go wrong with a dress shirt and tie for work. Paul Fredrick is one of his favorite brands.

3. Tech gadgets are high on the list of most men.
Which ever item gets the most votes between now and Monday, that's the one I'm getting. So, what say ye?

What present should I buy for hubby's birthday? free polls 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Cool Kicks!

Aren't these little tennis shoes just the cutest? I was blessed to meet an amazing group of women when I joined a prenatal exercise class a few months back. After I gave birth to my daughter, they gifted her with her first pair of shoes. They're adorable!