Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Love Your Curls

Dove in an unexpected way, really knocked it out of the park with their newest commercial.  The campaign aims to promote hair love in curly haired girls. The campaign hit home for me because growing up, I really hated my hair. I hated my kinks and coils and longed for straight hair. Sadly, this hair hate still exists today, despite big strides in the natural hair community. I wish there were commercials like the feel good one Dove promotes when I was going through my growing pains. I'm sure after seeing it, I would have had more of an appreciation for my coily mane. Peep the commercial below, and let me know what you think of it in the comments below. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love it, love it! What a wonderful message! I will definitely share it with my daughter.
