Friday, June 28, 2013

I am an addict!

The first step to recovery is to acknowledge that you have a problem. 
Well here goes, I AM A PRODUCT JUNKIE!!!! I am addicted to hair products. Luckily for me, I know the source of my addiction... those darn YouTube videos featuring the latest hair product reviews. When a hair vlogger comes across a product that they coin as their "staple" they make it sound like the holy grail. And of course being the addict that I am, I am drawn in and want to get my hands on the wonder product. As a matter of fact, just yesterday, I watched a video on YouTube by a 4c vlogger talking about how amazing Entwine Couture Butter Creme Hydrator was. So of course today, I went to one of the local beauty stores and sort it out. Thankfully, they didn't have it in stock, otherwise I would have fed my addiction. 
On the way home, I reflected on all the products that I have and barely use. I determined that after two and half years on this natural hair journey, I pretty much have a handle on my type 4c hair and the products that work best on it. I can continue to enjoy watching videos of what other 4c ladies are doing but I don't have to be cajoled into buying a product that I don't need.  Truthfully, in my relaxed hair days, I don't recall ever having so many products. But now that i'm natural, it's like a hair care products beast has been unleashed. Below is a picture of my current stash. 
As of today, I solemnly pledge to not buy another hair product until I have completely used up the ones I already have. 


  1. you have things i've never seen before in my life LOL!

  2. Girl, it's bad! After I took this picture, I discovered that I had left out two other products I had. I need rehab a.s.a.p

  3. Great collection! And they are stored so nice and neat! lol following gfc
