Monday, October 24, 2016

Believe them

"You can't control the way people treat you, but you can control the way you react."

I don't know if any of you who are reading this post struggle with this as much as I do... After 30 plus years on this earth, I still find myself finding this to be a hard pill to swallow. Just recently, my eyes were "opened" again as I observed how intentional people are in their actions. Sometimes we make excuses for the way people treat us. We say things like, "they didn't mean it that way" or "they don't know any better." 

"When people treat you like they don't care, believe them."

If you have that person in your life that constantly talks down to you...     Believe them
If you have that person in your life that doesn't include you in theirs...     Believe them
If you have that person in your life that treats you like dirt...                 Believe them
If you have that person in your life that is always disrespecting you...         Believe them

Believe me...

It's time to take of the blinders and see people for who they truly are.